Posted On: March 27, 2009
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Project Gentili (Prato, Italy) is hosting the first italian solo exhibition by the artist duo JODI.
For their debut with Project Gentili, JODI have developed the outskirts of their computer-based practice to channel the dirt style animus of technological amateurism and participatory-media. JODI’s personal anthropology runs parallel to and thru the wealth of folk-practices on the world’s networks, from fax-phreaking and list-spamming to web-crashing and youtubing.
The opening of G33 CON will be accompanied by the presentation of a publication (including the Compact Disc, “Dance For Me Baby”) and a block party in front of the gallery, for which Jodi will perform “%Little_Internet_Street_Fighter_Remix.flv.” The artists will give a lecture preceding the inauguration at CCC Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi in Firenze, March 27.
