On November 16-18, 2006 the Institute of Network Cultures and the Centre for Media Research, University of Ulster will organise MyCreativity, a Convention on International Creative Industries research. MyCreativity is a two-day conference that intends to bring the trends and tendencies around the Creative Industries into critical question. It
seeks to address the local, intra-regional and trans-national variations that constitute international creative industries as an uneven field of actors, interests and conditions. The conference explores a range of key topics that, in the majority of cases, remain invisible to both academic research and policy-making in the creative industries.
Overall, the conference adopts a comparative focus in order to illuminate the variability of international creative industries. Such an approach enables new questions to be asked about the mutually constitutive tensions between the forces, practices, histories and policies that define creative production, distribution and organisation within an era of information economies and network cultures.
MyCreativity: Convention on International Creative Industries Research
Date: 16-18 November, 2006
Venue: PostCS 11, Post CS Building, Amsterdam www.ilove11.nl
Organisation: Institute of Network Cultures, HvA Interactive Media, and Centre for Media Research, University of Ulster
Concept: Geert Lovink & Ned Rossiter
Contact: Shirley Niemans, shirley(at)networkcultures.org
Mailing List: http://idash.org/mailman/listinfo/my-ci
Institute of Network Cultures
HvA Interactive Media
Weesperzijde 190
NL-1097 DZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t: (+31) 20-595 18 63
f: (+31) 20-595 18 40